The Bible is as a two edged sword.
It convicts and it cleanses,
it reveals and it remedies,
it searches and it sanctifies
it probes and it purifies,
it warnes and it washes.
It is his word that we hid deep in our hearts, that gives us the power fight in the battle. His two-edged sword will enable us to defeat the enemy. That is why we put on the whole armour of God, that we maybe able to stand in these evil days. Help us to be strong in the Lord.
Lord help, I have heard and seen to many of your servants being defeated. Churches and Pastors resigning and stepping out of the ministry. People are harding their hearts as The wicked one is trying to prevail. Please Lord we need a renewing of your Holy Spirit in these days. Lord help us to seek your face as we find strength in your Word.
5 years ago